Mamey Mexican Taqueria is just a few weeks away from offering authentic Mexican takeout near the train station in Babylon Village.
Owner Eduardo Matute will be opening at 122 North Carll Avenue in early August.
In the meantime, there’s some art to hang.
“We literally have everything ready,” Matute said. “It’s just a matter of decorations.”
Eduardo’s father will be the head chef — and he brings some 25 years of NYC cooking experience to the table.
The family has been partaking in a number of tastings as they put together the menu.
(Scroll down for Mamey food pics courtesy of the Matute family.)
“I love the flan. I love the sweetens to it. And all the desserts,” said Eduardo’s mother, Rosa, who will mainly be in the front of the house.
“I’ll sometimes help him in the kitchen; whatever I have to do,” she said.
Eduardo says the family plans to offer steep discounts upon opening next month, with the hope that Mamey’s staff will get quick experience working together and iron out any kinks.
He encourages GreaterBabylon readers to keep an eye on Mamey’s Facebook and Instagram feeds for upcoming details on those discounts.
As previously reported, Eduardo and the family believe being near the train station is perfect for a place offering high-quality, grab-and-go food, especially around dinnertime.
“Pop in off the train or call ahead and, hopefully, we’ll get you out quick,” he said.
Matute, who lives in Islip, is a 2007 graduate of Bay Shore High School. As for the name Mamey, that’s a fruit native to Central America that Matute described as sweet and creamy.
Click here to learn how to pronounce Mamey.
Scroll down for those photos we promised.