
An open letter from The Bean of Patchogue coffeehouse owner Robert Cutrone


The Bean of Patchogue is an independently owned coffeehouse being built in the old Queen City Cupcakes location on West Main Street in Patchogue. It’s expected to open within the coming weeks.


When I first joined The Bean’s team, I always envisioned a moment like this. But I never believed that it could happen so soon, and with so much support from my family, friends and local community.


Indeed, I already owe Patchogue so much.

Before coffee, I grew a small DJ and entertainment company called Press Play Events, during which time I learned the tricks of the trade and have performed all over the island. Music is still one of my many passions; and it will be an important part of your experience at The Bean.

But then I found coffee; no, coffee found me. I learned how coffee works. And I felt I had to share my passion, and now I want to provide a new space for everyone in the community to come, be together, and feel at home.


I am really talking about a home for two things.

First, let The Bean of Patchogue be a refuge. Let it be the place at which you converse with friends; let it be the place you laugh with your partner; make it the place where exciting events in the Patchogue community happen.

We’ll do our part. After all, we’ll always have a chair, or a couch, and a warm cup of joe and a slice of cake waiting for you.

Second, the Bean is home to one amazing cold brew. It’s one like no other, roasted by East End Coffee Roasters to perfection — right here in Suffolk County — then served up by our skilled, welcoming baristas!

The Bean now has three locations: Babylon, Bay Shore and, soon, Patchogue. The Bean is family-owned, and independently run. We are not a corporate chain, but a small business. We are ready to embrace our new home and our new community, and we’ll be doing everything in our power to do so.

All we ask now is for the Patchogue community to do the same with us!

Coffee is the lifeblood of our community. It fuels our ideas; it’s the drink over which we form our closest bonds; it wakes us up in the morning. It’s the thing I’m most passionate about.

I’m so grateful it’s going to let me give back.

I also have deep respect for our public servants — teachers, firefighters, police officers, active military personnel and veterans alike.

My deep respect comes with the understanding that our world is complicated, and the challenges we face are not so cut and dried.

So, to serve these individuals, we are offering them discounted products. My life has been deeply influenced in countless ways by these people, and I want to lead a surge to give back to them!

Still, I want to provide even more space in Patchogue for everyone in the community to come, be together, and feel at home. My goal for The Bean of Patchogue is to provide just this.

Sincerely, and with much excitement,

Robert Cutrone

owner, The Bean of Patchogue

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