The third installment of Patchogue’s Sept. 11 Memorial Ceremony is going virtual this year, as village leaders wanted to keep the memorial going while keeping coronavirus containment measures in mind.
The ceremony will be streamed live on the Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook page. The stream starts at 11 a.m. Friday, Sept. 11.
“We invite you to watch as we remember those from Patchogue who were affected by the events of 9-11,” village officials said in a statement. “This is an opportunity for those that cannot get out to local events or unable to travel to remember and honor those who were lost, injured and affected by the 9-11 attacks.
Guest speakers will include:
Master of Ceremony Dave Rogers CMDR VFW Post 2913 and WTC First Responder
Prayers by Charles Ferrera, VFW member and WTC First Responder
Special guests:
NY State Senator Monica Martinez
NY State Assemblyman Jo De Stefano
Suffolk County Presiding Officer Rob Calarco
Civilian Aide to the Army Chief of Staff Steve Castleton
Mayor of Patchogue Paul Pontieri
Brookhaven Town Councilman Neil Foley
Color Guard, Taps and Rifle Detail:
Taps by Mike Amodio VFW Post 2913
Flag Detail by VFW Post 2913, American Legion Post 269, AMVETS Post 111
Rifle Detail by AMVETS Post 111