
Port Jeff middle schooler racks up 850 hours of community service



He could have been home playing video games or texting his buddies.

Instead, Port Jefferson Middle School eighth grader Ryan Parmegiani was being recognized by the school district for doing a whopping 850 hours of community service.

Ryan volunteers for many different school-related programs, according to the district.

“Throughout his tenure as a middle school student, Ryan has devoted a great deal of energy to making a difference in the lives of so many,” said the school’s principal, Dr. Robert Neidig.

But the teen doesn’t just volunteer at his own school; he also helps with the high school prom, and works at the elementary after school program, among other services.

“His exemplary efforts have contributed to countless people and events, and I am proud of his devotion to the students and staff of the district and inspired by his spirit of volunteerism,” said Neidig.

Top: (L-R) Port Jefferson School District board of education vice president Mark Doyle, Middle School principal Dr. Robert Neidig and superintendent of schools Dr. Paul Casciano with Middle School eighth grader Ryan Parmegiani.

(Photo courtesy of the Port Jefferson School District)

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