
15 Photos: Scenes from Dubco’s Pig Roast on National Piña Colada Day


Destination Unknown Beer Company knows how to celebrate National Piña Colada Day.

On Wednesday, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Bay Shore’s Dubco hosted a pig roast where they were serving fresh food catered by Tullulah’s and passing around The Science of Selling Piña Coladas, an American-style IPA.

The event, which was sponsored by Local to Locals and GreaterBayShore, also featured live music throughout the afternoon.

It was all a big hit. “We’re definitely going to do it again next year,” said Jenn Candiano of Dubco during the pig roast.

Scroll down to see photos from the day. Click boxes 2 and 3 to see them all.

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