Northport's Skippers reopens after months, and with a fresh new look

Photos: Northport’s Skippers reopens after months, with a fresh new look

Paul Gallowitch was working in the service industry on a cruise liner.

It was 1963 and he had just left Austria for New York City.

He jumped ship upon arrival.

“Back then it wasn’t hard to do; we had work visas,” he told

Working as a waiter in different places, he met his wife Marie at an Irish pub.

During a snowstorm the couple decided to visit Northport and fell in love with the area, eventually purchasing their own restaurant in 1978.

Over the past three decades Skippers has remained a cornerstone of the Northport community.

Skippers just underwent a big restoration, led by Paul Jr., now at the helm. The restaurant closed in November and just reopened this month. We quickly got in there for photos (below).

“I have been working here since I was a young boy bringing pickles and bread to customers and the career has stuck,” Paul Jr. said. “It was a group decision to close in November, we felt the place needed a change.”

“No one person made all the decisions,” he added. “We took everyone’s input.”

Skippers traded in the traditional pub look for light, modern and sleek nautical decor. Keeping the beloved long copper bar was a key decision they made.

It remains the perfect spot to take in the warm glow of sunset over Northport Harbor.

“I think it’s gorgeous,” Paul Sr. said. “It’s going to be successful and we’ve been working hard. This is for my son. He is carrying the load and I am trying to vanish, fade away like an old sea captain.”

Scroll down for more interior shots and foodie photos from Andrew Theodorakis.

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