
Robert Moses State Park will open to public for Memorial Day weekend


Beaches operated under New York State jurisdiction are opening to the public under social distancing protocols for Memorial Day weekend.

This includes Robert Moses State Park, which will allow beachgoers in daily, starting Friday at 7 a.m. Lifeguards will be on duty for the holiday weekend.

Bathrooms at Robert Moses will be open to the public as well.

Under new state guidelines, the beaches may be reduced to 50% occupancy, contact sports are prohibited, and face coverings should be worn when social distancing is not possible.

A mask is not required while swimming or when sitting on the sand; that’s if you’re 6 feet apart from others.

For any questions call 631-669-0449. 

To learn about Babylon Town beaches, which will only be open to town residents, click below.

Top: Waves at Robert Moses by Babylon photographer Jeanette Franzino 

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