
The Babylon Village Chamber sets fundraising records at its Chinese Auction

For those who couldn’t make it to this year’s Babylon Village Chinese Auction, you missed an historic one.
“It was a huge success,” said Kelly Peckholdt of the Babylon Village Chamber of Commerce, which runs the event.
The chamber packed the American Legion hall in the village with about 300 attendees last month for a night of prizes, food, and fun.

In all, the group raised $14,000, which is $5,000 more than last year. In fact, it’s the most the organization has ever raised at a Chinese Auction before.
“[It] generated needed funds for the chamber,” said Peckholdt.
Some of that money will be used to operate upcoming events, like the chamber’s annual Spring Arts and Music Fest.
Below are some photos of the night, courtesy of photographer Bruce Lorenz.

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