The first installment of Alive After Five for 2018, which was scheduled for Thursday, June 28, has been postponed due to weather.
The National Weather Service is calling for a high likelihood of rain and possible thunderstorms through the afternoon, during setup time, and evening.
The new date for the Environmental Awareness-themed Alive After Five will be Thursday, Aug. 23, according to the Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce, which runs the festival series.
The next regularly scheduled date for Alive After Five is July 19, which will carry a Women in the Arts theme and feature a toilet paper pyramid at the Congregational Church.
This was the first postponement of an Alive After Five festival (there are four each summer) in five years, noted David Kennedy, the chamber’s executive director.
“But all our Patchogue bars and restaurants are still featuring great music and drink specials all night,” he said. “So while the festival is cancelled, Patchogue is still alive after five tonight!”
The Alive After Five series is entering its 17th year.
Top: A sun shower during an installment of the Alive by the Bay series last year in Bay Shore. (Credit:Jennifer Mercurio/Lasting Impressions Photography)