
25 Photos: Scenes from Port Jeff’s annual Dragon Boat Race Festival


It was a picture-perfect day in Port Jefferson Harbor for the annual Dragon Boat Race Festival.

And GreaterPortJeff took plenty of pictures Saturday, which marked the fifth annual day of races, sponsored by Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce.

Thirty teams took to the water this year, with a record eight organized club teams participating. Last year there were only 3 club teams. Click here for the complete race results.

“Club teams are defined by any team that has practiced more than six times within six months before the event,” Barbara Ransome, the chamber’s director of operations, told GreaterPortJeff earlier this week.

Dragon boat racing is rooted in ancient Chinese tradition, and is a show of patriotism. A company called High Five, which travels across the country to set up dragon boat races, helps organize the races.

The chamber also teams up with Stony Brook University’s Confucius Institute to help attract Pan-Asian groups to the festival.

The racing happens in the harbor. Scroll down for 25 photos.

Check back for the final results.

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