
Where’s The Loading Dock in Patchogue? Here is the big reveal


The location of the industrial-style speakeasy that will feature emerging musicians and comedians in the heart of Patchogue has been a well guarded secret this winter.

GreaterPatchogue has earned the privilege of revealing it.

But, we’ve agreed to do so via coordinates. Here they are: 40.7665569, -73.0133494

Go Google that, then click on the map. We suggest picking the Satellite View (bottom of your map) and then dropping the little yellow dude just a hair south of the red location pin.

Now you’re in! (Please don’t blow the surprise in Facebook comments.)

The place will be jumping on select Thursdays each month.

Now that you know where The Loading Dock will be located, here’s the concept:

“TLD is meant to be a place of creativity, art and music,” said one upper level Loading Dock representative, who had agreed only to be quoted on the condition of anonymity.

“We wanted to create a venue where you could be yourself and enjoy new music and comedy while socializing with your friends. The vibe of our space is unlike anything on Long Island right now. We invite you to come get weird with us.”

As previously reported, opening night is Thursday, March 15. It’s a comedy night hosted by known comic and actor Joseph Vecsey of The Unmovers web series.

However, the list for the first night is sold out. If people want to be added to the waiting list, they can email

Or request access for the other dates here:

Those who have been granted access will get thee details in an email. Doors will always open at 7:15 p.m., with the shows starting at 8 p.m. Those who don’t show up by 7:45 p.m. will forfeit their spot, then those on the waiting list will start being allowed in. It’s $20 for the show.

Beer and wine will be available at the bar.

The Loading Dock is working on getting a full liquor license.

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