
American Legion presents $9K for restored WWI cannons in Patchogue


After months of fundraising, members of the American Legion Patchogue Post 269 presented the Village of Patchogue with an enlarged check to cover a portion of the cost for the newly restored M190s Field Guns that sit at Harry T. Hanson Veterans Memorial Park.

“It was a lot of work doing all the fundraising, but the satisfaction of raising the money and turning it over is great,” said Post 269’s commander, Jonathon Ralph.

Ralph handed Mayor Paul Pontieri a check worth $9,000 at Monday night’s Village Board meeting.

The two guns, which were shipped off to Maryland for restoration, cost around $27,000 to be fixed. The American Legion partnered with the village on the project.

The efforts also received help of grants from Legislator Rob Colaraco’s office.

“This is about taking care of the community and making it a perfect place,” said Pontieri. “We had to get this done.”


Top: Members of the American Legion Patchogue Post 269 present a $9,000 check to the Patchogue Mayor Paul Pontieri. (Credit: Nicholas Esposito) 

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