
New York says gyms, fitness studios begin opening on Aug. 24


New York gyms and fitness studios, which have been shuttered since March, finally received word on its guidelines to begin the reopening process.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Monday in a press conference that fitness centers can open as soon as Aug. 24.

Cuomo said these facilities are allowed to reopen at 33% capacity with mandates on gym members wearing masks at all times, as well as following other strict guidelines.

The gyms must have sign-in and sign-out forms in order to keep a record of contact tracing, as well as conduct screenings and temperature checks at the door.

HVAC systems inside the gyms must meet ventilation specifications set by the state.

This announcement comes weeks after owners across the state formed a coalition to advocate reopening in Phase 4 of New York’s Forward Plan.

“Gyms are one of the areas where you have to be very careful,” said Cuomo. “It is an area of concern, that is why we went slow on it and focused on it.”

Localities must inspect every gym before it opens or within the two weeks of opening.

These inspections must also determine whether or not gyms can hold indoor classes.

This announcement comes after New York state’s infection rates have been the lowest since June.

With the drop in COVID-19 cases, the state also allowed bowling alleys to officially reopen today at 50% capacity with shared equipment being sanitized frequently.

Masks are required at all times and every other lane in the bowling alley will be closed in order to maintain social distancing.

For more information on gym guidelines, visit

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