
Chamber group donates bikes for SCPD patrolmen to hit the sidewalks


Suffolk Police are going to have an easier time patrolling local Main Streets in 2021.

That’s because the Suffolk County Alliance of Chamber gifted the new patrol bicycles to the department.

Two bikes were presented to the department on Wednesday during a press conference outside of Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts.

Suffolk police said they will be using the bikes to better patrol bustling downtown areas, such as Patchogue.

“This donation lets [police officers] be on Main Street and interact with people while making sure businesses are staying secure,” said Suffolk County Legislator Robert Calarco, who was in attendance.

The bikes cost the alliance about $1,400.

“This is about us saying ‘Thank you’ to them for all of the amazing work they do, keeping our towns across Suffolk County safe,” said David Kennedy, executive director of the Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce.

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