
Five simple ways to never miss GreaterPortJeff coverage


If you want to enjoy GreaterPortJeff like a daily newspaper — meaning you’re in control  — then check out these suggestions. Otherwise, social media sites will decide what will — or will not — get put in front of you.

1. Visit the website early and often, and scroll up and down. We’re publishing new content every day. Save us to your favorites. Also visit the tabs in the GreaterPortJeff navigational bar, such as Great Eats and Great Kids.

2. Push Notifications are a really cool way to see a story the second it’s published. Simply visit our homepage and click OK to the non-intrusive pop-up asking if you’d like to receive push notifications (story alerts) to your computer.

3.  Sign up for our Think Greater Today newsletters and news alerts.


We send out our top stories almost every morning at 5:30 a.m., along with featured events and more. We will occasionally share out a story of regional interest from the sister sites.

4. Twitter Mobile Notifications

Any story we publish, even if we don’t plan on sharing it to Facebook for a couple days, gets automatically published to our Twitter feed. First follow, then next to the Following button, use the drop-down menu to sign up for Mobile Notifications.

5. Stick with Facebook but simply adjust the way you’re seeing our feed.

To do this on a desktop, drag your cursor over the box where it’s marked that you “Like” our page, then in the drop-down box, choose ‘See First.’ Refer to photo below.

On a phone, go to our Facebook page and click the ••• menu box at the top/right.

From the menu that appears, choose Notifications and hit all the bubbles!


Thanks for reading! We hope you enjoy reading as much as we do producing!

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