
Mather Hospital rolls out new 3D mammography systems in Port Jeff


Mather Hospital has made some huge upgrades to its Fortunato Breast Health Center.

Two brand-new 3D tomosynthesis mammograms were added to the Northwell Health hospital in Port Jefferson this past fall.

And the patients have responded well.

“[The patients] love it,” said Dr. Michelle Price, co-medical director of the Fortunato Breast Health Center. “It takes the images very quickly.”

The machine is also considerably more comfortable for people because of its rounded edges, Price told GreaterPortJeff.

In addition to improved speed and comfortability, Price says the upgrade from digital mammograms to the new 3D tomosynthesis mammograms are helping in the diagnosing process.

“It acquires almost slices, like a CAT scan of the breast,” she said. “I can go through these images and see something that I might not have been able to see because it was overlapped.”

The new machines also use a lower dosage of radiation.

“[It’s] the lowest radiation dose of all FDA-approved 3D mammography systems,” said a Mather Hospital spokesperson.

Top: Fortunato Breast Health Center staffers with one of the new 3D systems at Mather Hospital Thursday.


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