
Mayor: Babylon Village essential businesses will only operate by using curbside pickup/delivery


As a precautionary measure during the COVID-19 outbreak, Babylon Village Mayor Ralph Scordino enacted an executive order prohibiting the entering of restaurants/bars and other essential storefronts — these businesses can only operate by allowing curbside pick up or delivery only.

“I commend our storefronts as well who are strictly adhering to social distancing guidelines,” the mayor wrote on Facebook. “Social Distancing only makes sense when it is practiced and each restaurant/essential storefront should be following the guidelines set forth by the State of New York.”

This order will go into effect on Monday, March 23.

Here’s the list of essential businesses that can still operate under Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New York shutdown:

Top: Outside view of Monsoon Steakhouse in Babylon Village (credit: Angela Sasso Photography).

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