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When it comes to serving bagels, New York bagel shop workers don’t fudge around.
A Los Angeles TikToker found this out the hard way last week when he had the cojones to walk into a New York City bagel place and order up a “scooped gluten free bagel.”
“I just walked in and asked for a scooped gluten free,” Taylor Offer explains in a TikTok video that has gone absolutely bonkers with 9.3 million views. “The guy just looks at me and goes, ‘I’m not scooping your f—ing bagel, bro.'”
Undeterred, Offer said he countered, “Dude, that’s how I want it. And he’s like, ‘Get the f— out of here with that sh–!'”
Turns out Offer is a young entrepreneur who is the co-founder and CEO of a clothing start-up in Los Angeles called feat (looks like he likes capitalization as much as he likes carbs).
Back home now in California, Offer posted dozens of TikTok videos during his recent stay in the Big Apple, discussing pizza, coffee and “sucky” New York weather, among other topics.
“There’s nothing more stressful than ordering a bagel in New York City,” he said in the TikTok video. “In Los Angeles, if you order a bagel, you walk in and you say, ‘Hey, can I get a scooped gluten free bagel? And the person behind the bar is usually like, ‘Of course. We have these different options for gluten free. Of course, I can do that for you.'”
Offer’s goofy little “scooped bagel” flick has been shared countless times across multiple social media platforms. On Thursday, @complex and @firstwefeast jointly shared Offer’s TikTok video on Instagram.
Instagram folks had some clever reactions to the post.
“How else do you avoid cream cheese from being squeezed out the bagel with every bite?” posed @victorgarcia0323.
In L.A.’s defense, a number of bagel lovers from Southern California distanced themselves from Offer.
A contrite @novacancyl racked up a gazillion likes for commenting, “We’d like to apologize on behalf of all Los Angeles for this guy.”
New York chef Joe Mangipano — @joe_mangipano — was relatively succinct in his disgust for the Southern Cal infiltrator, offering “Gluten free, scooped bagel… you’re a weak link in the chain of humanity.”
Offer is certainly lapping up all of the attention. He’s even used the video to mix a cheesy dance song.
Top image: TikTok still.