
This Babylon hair salon is gathering presents for local foster care children


The team at Curl Evolution hair salon put its Christmas tree up early this year in an effort to help children in Babylon.

The white tree in the back of 233 East Main Street is filled with empty gift card holders. The goal is to fill the tree up with a variety of different options for Babylon children in foster care.

“We all know teens love to choose for themselves, and a gift card gives the opportunity for a fun outing after the holidays,” said Curl’s owner, Allison Bridges, in a Facebook post. 

Curl Evolution will be accepting money and presents too.

All of the donations will be going to the non-profit YouGottaBelieve.

“[Bridges] decided on her own to start a tree for them because they are forgotten,” said the salon’s manager, Charlene Esoff.

Curl Evolution asks that donations be in by Dec. 17 so they can be delivered by the holidays.

Top: Curl Evolution’s Christmas tree in Babylon and the presents collected so far for local children in foster care. (Credit: Nicholas Esposito) 

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