
Photos: An indoor cornhole facility is opening in Port Jeff Station


A new business in Port Jefferson Station promises an alternative to adult games like kickball, dodgeball or even the old standby, bowling.

We’re talking indoor cornhole.

After more than a year of logistical planning, Cornhole of America is getting ready to open its doors this spring in a facility at 600 Bicycle Path in Port Jefferson Station. (Scroll down for photos.)

The owners say they are shooting for a March 1 grand opening if everything works out.

Cornhole is traditionally played in backyards, campgrounds and beaches.

But since exploding in popularity over the last few years, taking the game indoors has become a way to extend the season throughout the winter months.

Not only is cornhole more popular, it’s becoming more competitive.

Leagues have been set up at bars across Long Island through promoters like LI Kick and other event spaces, but according to Cornhole of America co-owner and Port Jefferson Station resident Christopher Micheline, this is the first facility in the area dedicated exclusively to the game.

“We thought, why not do it like a bowling alley?” he said.

Micheline and his partners first saw the game being played indoors in other parts of the country and thought it would be a good opportunity to open a facility here on Long Island.

The company will offer league play as well as open play for adults and children.

They also plan on running monthly tournaments.

Pricing for open play will be $10 per hour. Micheline said that league play pricing will vary depending on the specific league but will start at $25 per week.

For the uninitiated, cornhole is played with two rectangular boards tilted at an angle and set 27 feet apart facing each other.

During each turn, players toss four bean bags at the boards. One point is scored for landing the bean bag on the board (sometimes called a “woody”) with the ultimate goal of sinking the bag into a hole cut at the top of the board for three points (called a “cornhole”).

The player with the most points wins. Games can be played by up to four people in teams of two.

Full rules can be found on the American Cornhole Association website.

The Port Jeff Station facility will offer a concession stand to serve food, wine and beer. It will also be available to rent for private parties and events.

A pro shop on the premises will sell custom boards, bags and apparel.

There will be a folksy theme to the facility, with faux painting on the walls giving it an outdoors feel on one side and a cabin-like look on the other.

The owners think they are poised for success. They see a demand for this sport in the area and the barrier to entry for the game is low.

“Anybody can learn to play,” Micheline said.

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