Whether it’s a live show, wine-pairing, music festival or fundraiser, Greater Long Island can help drive traffic and ticket sales.
That’s because the company has just launched a sponsored event initiative through greaterlongisland.com.
(And an all-new events calendar.)
This comes in response to years’ worth of texts, emails and DM’s from people asking for event help. The trouble was, we didn’t have the mechanism, or the time. Now we do.
“The site alone gets about 550,000 page views each month,” said Greater Long Island’s publisher, Michael White. “Pair that with 4 to 6 million social media impressions and this is an unparalleled opportunity for anyone looking to tap into a massive, growing audience.”
Click here to upload and boost your next event. Click here for a recent example.
How it works
Promoting an event through Greater Long Island is quick and easy.
And at $300 per post, it should also be affordable to most event organizers, especially those looking to sell tickets to pack a bar, restaurant or gala.
Simply click here to give us the time, date, cost, and event description.
Once that information is received, your event listing will be professionally edited and packaged by one of our seasoned content creators for maximum clicks and reads.
After its published to our brand-new events listings page, it will then be distributed across our dozens of social media channels and newsletters. You’ll be contacted afterward with a full performance report to gauge success.