
Long Island lynx settling in at the Holtsville Ecology Site and Animal Preserve


The Eurasian lynx seen roaming around in Bohemia neighborhoods over the summer and eventually captured is enjoying his new home at the Holtsville Ecology Site and Animal Preserve, town authorities report.

Nicknamed Leonardo “Leo” DiCatprio, the exotic cat has gained 15 pounds since his August arrival at the site and enjoys various enrichment activities to stimulate his natural behaviors, said Brookhaven Superintendent of Highways Dan Losquadro.

Leo, who joined more than 100 wild and farm animals residing at the animal preserve, was revealed to the public in his new enclosure earlier this week, Losquadro said in a Facebook post.

“He can often be seen running, stretching his legs, climbing, jumping and pouncing – performing all natural cat-like behaviors,” the highway superintendent said. ”We are grateful that the DEC and SPCA felt the ecology site was the right environment for Leo and we are thrilled to have him among our residents.

“While we have no idea why Leo was being kept as a pet, we are very happy that he is safe and healthy at our facility,” he added.

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