
Snapper derby honoring Keith Romaine set for Sept. 26 at Union Avenue Dock


The Town of Brookhaven, in partnership with the Montauk Surfcasters Association, will host a “Keith Romaine Memorial Snapper Derby” at Union Avenue Dock in Center Moriches on Sept. 26.

Romaine is the late son of Supervisor Ed Romaine. He also served as a town councilman.

The event, which will run from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., with a rain date of Sept. 27, is open to children up to 18 years old. Entry is capped at 50 people due to Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines. Participants will need to bring their own fishing pole, bait and bucket. Each participant will receive a complimentary T-shirt, while supplies last, donated by the Montauk Surfcasters Association.

Win a prize!

Prizes, which will be awarded for different categories including biggest fish, are being donated by the Montauk Surfcasters Association and the Chamber of Commerce of the Moriches.

“We are pleased to partner with the Moriches Surfcasters Association to bring this event to Union Dock, an already popular fishing destination,” Councilman Dan Panico said in a statement. “Fishing for snappers is a fun way to spend the day and we look forward to making this derby an annual event.”

Supervisor Romaine said, “The Snapper Derby is the kind of fun community event that Keith championed as a Town Councilman and it is very fitting that it will be held in his memory. I thank Councilman Panico and the members of the Montauk Surfcasters Association for honoring him in this way.”

“We strongly believe the youth of today is our future and the future of fishing is our youth,” said William Jakob, Montauk Surfcasters Association.

Safety first

All participants of the Snapper Derby must wear a mask throughout the event, and social distancing guidelines must be followed. Participants are asked to make a $5 donation to benefit the Moriches Bay Project, an environmental organization dedicated to improving water quality through oyster farming. The donation will be collected at check-in on the day of the event.

For more information and to register, visit

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