
Ten ways to a better decade


By Maria Faller |

Welcome to a new decade for us to create, play, explore and learn. I remember 20 years ago, December 31, 1999, when we were questioning whether or not the world would explode, the computers would crash or a meteor would hit us as we entered the new millennium. Yet, here we are, 20 years later, thriving, advancing and prospering.

Stepping into this new era, you may find yourself in a season of challenge or change, you may find your health is mediocre or your career is not advancing. Maybe you have just had the most joyful, successful year, or decade of your life. It does not matter how you are entering this new year, but how you choose to live in it.

Here are 10 ways you can live better this decade:

1. Forgive the Past. What happened yesterday is irrelevant because you can not change it. Stop beating yourself up, feeling regret or being sad about something that is already done.  Move forward with deliberate intention of living a more joyful life.

Photo by Krivec Ales from Pexels

2. Move Every Day. The scientific evidence confirming that exercise improves your physical and mental health is indisputable. Use a step tracker, take a class or hire a trainer. The options are endless giving you zero excuses to get moving. Fitness does a body (and mind) good.

Photo by KULDEEPSINH VAGHELA from Pexels

3. Get Creative. Knitting, dancing, painting, repurposing or journaling — anything that gets the creative juices flowing has been shown to increase happiness, reduce dementia, boost your immune system and increase productivity, according to Forbes.

4. Socialize. Meet a friend for coffee, host a poker night or go bowling. Try a new restaurant in town like La Buena Vida or go for a walk in the park. Get off the couch and get out into the world. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what and who you find!

5. Learn. Anytime we learn, we grow and when we grow we thrive. Take a cooking class, watch a YouTube video or learn whatever peaks your interest. Both the Center Moriches Public Library and the Mastic-Moriches-Shirley Community Library offer many free programs for all age groups and your library membership includes some amazing perks for online learning!

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

6. Eliminate Excess. Get rid of unused paid subscriptions and memberships you’re not using. Unload 25 things from your home that you haven’t used or worn in over a year. When we remove clutter, we make room for opportunity.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

7. Focus.  We all have big, beautiful goals and dreams. Unfortunately, many times we sacrifice our vision of the future for immediate gratification. Make this decade about focusing on what you want most rather than what you want now. When you stop choosing convenience over consistency, patience and work, you will be amazed at the benefits!

Photo by nic on Unsplash

8. Out with the Outrage. The world we live in can be cruel, unfair and downright scary. That being said, we are living in the most incredible time. There is more opportunity, acceptance and available resources than ever before.  Change the way you react to the world, choose to focus on the good, turn off the news, be with positive people, spread kindness around like confetti and choose to take part in all the incredible things life has to offer.

Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

9. Give. Whether it’s your time or your dime, give to the less fortunate, to those in need, to the sick, to your neighbor, to a local charity or to a fundraiser.  

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

10. Smile. Even if your feeling down, studies show that when we smile, we lift our own mood and the mood of those around us! A sure and simple way to ensure a better day.

Photo b Edu Carvalho from Pexels

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