
Town secures grant money to replace undersized culvert in Patchogue


The culvert that allows the Swan River to pass underneath the Barton Avenue overpass in East Patchogue is being replaced, thanks to a $910,000 grant from New York State.

The Brookhaven Highway Department announced the securing of these funds on Tuesday. This funding is part of the state’s $484 million BRIDGE-NY infrastructure improvement program, which includes 216 projects in 137 communities statewide.

Currently, the existing structure, built in 1961, is undersized and has deteriorating structural integrity, according to the town.

“The Brookhaven Highway Department is the only municipality on Long Island to receive grant funding this year from this source,” said Brookhaven Highway superintendent Daniel Losquadro. “This project will improve roadway safety and enhance the flood resilience of the surrounding residential and natural environment for many years to come.”

The project, scheduled to begin and be completed in 2026, will include the following:

  • Replacement of two 24-inch corrugated metal pipes with a box culvert
  • Addition of two water quality units
  • Installation of rip rap headwalls on the upstream and downstream flow
  • Replacement of obstructed positive connections
  • Restoration of the sidewalk and roadway

“My office has been, and will continue to be, aggressive in pursuing grant funding to offset taxpayer costs for necessary projects such as this one,” said Losquadro.

Top: Brookhaven Town superintendent Daniel Losquadro in front of the Barton Avenue culvert in East Patchogue. (Courtesy photo)

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