
Beat the barbecue blunders this summer with these simple tips


Summers on Long Island are waited on all year long by the locals. Our quaint neighborhoods and world-renowned beaches are longed for vacation spots. Beach days and barbecues commence on Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial kick off to summer. We eat, drink and soak up the summer sun; we frequent our favorite restaurants and bars on the water from Long Beach to Montauk. 

Long Islanders live for the summer season. 

While it is still unknown how our summer will go this year, there is one thing we do know — we might enjoy summer a little too much. Whether we spend our time on the beach or in our own backyard, the smoky BBQ food calls to us. No one is counting how many ice-cold beers they have had. The salsa and chips are endless. It is easy to disregard our normal health routine because Long Island summers really feel like an extended vacation.

Indulging in all the joys of summer does take a toll on our health, however.  By September, your fall wardrobe may be a bit tighter, you may feel sluggish and your immune system could be compromised. 

Given the year so far, we need the summer to regain our sanity and refresh our souls. We deserve it. Still, we must also become more aware of BBQ blunders.  


Staying hydrated is critical for regulating body temperature and ensuring your organs are working optimally. Shoot for 80 ounces of water or more a day.  Eat foods saturated with water, like cucumbers, watermelons and zucchini. 

Bonus: The more water you drink, the less snacking you’ll do!

Get Your Grill Going

BBQs are for grilling! Choose lean proteins like chicken breast, turkey burgers and grilled shrimp.  Grill up seasonal veggies from your local farm stands. Making better choices on the grill will help keep your health in check.  

Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay

Make Clear Choices

Blended drinks are great in the summer. Who doesn’t enjoy a refreshing pina colada or daiquiri?  The problem is those summer drinks are packed with sugar. Choose clear drinks and you will save a ton of calories and reduce your sugar spikes. Try spiked seltzers or white wine spritzers.

Photo by Dimitris Binioris from Pexels

Get Moving

The first day after a BBQ binge is not the greatest time for a workout but, to keep those extra pounds away make sure you’re exercising daily. Any movement is good movement, from power walking to swimming to yoga, make sure you are staying active! 

Photo by Dallas Morgan on Unsplash

Live your best summer life (but really, your better, healthier summer life) using these tips.  Over-indulging from time to time is not disastrous, so when you do, just get back on track and move on!  Happy Barbecuing! 

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