
Five great Facebook groups for new moms in Greater Bay Shore


We all know it takes a village (or a hamlet) to raise a child. As a new millennial mom, I turned to Facebook groups to help me find that village.

The amazing women in these groups have helped me get through the first years as a new mom.

And they can help you, too.

In no particular order, here are five great Facebook groups for local moms:

1. Bay Shore Moms Group

This group was created by a local mom, Valerie, for other moms in Bay Shore to get to know one another and create a community among themselves. It has evolved into a great way for moms to find out when the next community event is, how to sign up for library programs and the quietest time at the parks.

It’s very helpful to have a place to ask for recommendations on daycares, diapers, apartment buildings, sleep tips and to figure out why a helicopter has been circling over your neighborhood.

2. Long Island Baby Wearing

Hold a mom’s newborn and she can eat a hot meal. Teach a mom to wear her baby and she can go grocery shopping, cook a meal and eat it while it’s still hot. When I’m wearing my baby I have my hands free to put away the laundry, sweep the floors and feed my toddler, all while my newborn is comforted by my heartbeat.

The volunteer baby wearing educators hold a meet up on the second Thursday of every month from 6:30p – 8 p.m. at the Great South Bay YMCA in Bay Shore.

3. La Leche League of Southeast Suffolk

I nursed both my children and attended La Leche League meetings on the first Thursday of every month at noon at the Patchogue-Medford Library religiously. Many moms give up on nursing because they didn’t know where to turn when breastfeeding didn’t come to them naturally.

When you are up at 2 a.m. with a crying baby that won’t nurse, you can post a question and ask for advice. You’ll most likely find another mama — awake and nursing her baby — who can guide you.

4. Natural Long Island Mamas

I thought junk food was okay until the second I find out I was pregnant. Overnight, I wanted to change my diet to only organic foods, get rid of all of my household cleaners that had harsh chemicals and figure out how to safely co-sleep with my kids.

There’s also a home remedy for everything and these moms know all of them.

5. Long Island Postpartum Support

Postpartum is often hard for new moms to talk about. You come home with a new baby after laboring for days, or undergoing a major surgery and sometimes things are more difficult than expected.

It’s okay to say you’re struggling or just have a place to vent about how you haven’t showered in two days.

Photo: Tiffany Rivera and her children, Jackson, 2, and Kylie, 3 months. (Credit: Arthur Irvolino)

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