
Live: Final Four voting in GLI’s Bartender Battle Long Island 2024


Here’s where to cast your vote for Long Island’s greatest bartender of 2024. Scroll down for the rules and instructions, and to vote. Voting for in the Final Four runs from noon on Wednesday, March 27, until noon on Sunday, March 31, which is Easter Sunday.

The Final Two bartenders will then compete in a live cocktail-off this April at Lily’s in Babylon. Those bartenders will be asked to create a Manhattan, margarita and an espresso vodka martini for the judges who will determine who hoists the Golden Shaker.

The Final Four:

Rules & Instructions

First, you’ll have to fill out some required information, and you’ll be signing up for our weekly newsletters in the process.

Only one vote per head-to-head contest every 24-hour period with a verified email address will be counted. (Running vote tallies will not be shown, unlike with last year’s contest.)

Greater Long Island has recruited a professional data analyst from NYC to manually scan all voting results for any technical irregularities. So, don’t waste your time trying to skirt the rules. The polls for will close at noon Sunday, March 31. Any votes cast even seconds thereafter will be tossed. So let’s keep it clean and have fun voting for our favorite bartenders on Long Island!

The finalists will be announced later on Monday or early Tuesday.

Cast your vote:

Thank you for supporting your neighborhood bars and restaurants.

The original bracket:

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